A forum for discussion as this Work Group works to craft new bylaws for the Saints. The intent is to use this in lieu of mass emails to discuss topics of mutual interest.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Membership Discipline

One topic for discussion concerned the board practices/responsibilites with regards to member discipline, specifically the practices known as Personna Non-grata (PNG) and Banning and the lack of an appeals process. Some posted thoughts include:

Bill Fireside: hopes to see two committees set up (1) Disciplinary Hearings Committee and (2) Appeals Committee. I don't like to see the board having the power of police, judiciary and disciplinarian. As things stand right now, there is no hearing and no right of appeal.

Susan Gray: have certain 'responsibilities' that now lay entirely with the Board, being handled instead by committees consisting of both Board and non-Board members. Right now I am thinking of membership and disciplinary actions.

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